
Medici (TV series)

The series follows the House of Medici, bankers of the Pope, in 15th-century Florence. Each season follows the events of a particular moment of the family's ...

Medici Masters of Florence second series

The next season tells the story of a fascinating member of the Medici family, known as Lorenzo Il Magnifico (1449-1492).

Season 2 - Medici Wiki

Season 2 of Medici, subtitled The Magnificent, Part 1 (Italian: Lorenzo il Magnifico) consists of 8 episodes. The season premiered on October 23, 2018.


評分 4.4 (734) The locations and sets and costumes are all very impressive. The plot is fast and furious, if occasionally confusing. The nudity and sex scenes are plentiful, ...


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Medici (TV Series 2016–2019)

評分 7.8/10 (23,225) A political family drama set in Florence in the early fifteenth century. Cosimo de Medici finds himself at the helm of his banking dynasty when his father, ... Final Season on Netflix · Medici: Godfathers of the

Medici (TV Series 2016–2019) - Episode list

The death of the pope brings strategic challenges as lorenzo negotiates with the Duke of milan and welcomes his new bride, Clarice, to Florence. 7.8/10 (388)

Medici: Masters of Florence Season 2

評分 84% (401) Lorenzo de'Medici assumes control of the powerful italian banking dynasty during the renaissance following an attempt on his father's life. Videos: Trailers, ...

Medici: The Magnificent - Season 2

The Pazzi Conspiracy has left Lorenzo a changed man who now has to deal with his thoughts of revenge while facing the growing discontent of the citizens of ...

Medici: Season 2

After a surprise attack, Lorenzo and Giuliano search for the culprits; the trail leads the brothers to the Pazzis, but treachery lies closer at hand.


TheseriesfollowstheHouseofMedici,bankersofthePope,in15th-centuryFlorence.Eachseasonfollowstheeventsofaparticularmomentofthefamily's ...,ThenextseasontellsthestoryofafascinatingmemberoftheMedicifamily,knownasLorenzoIlMagnifico(1449-1492).,Season2ofMedici,subtitledTheMagnificent,Part1(Italian:LorenzoilMagnifico)consistsof8episodes.TheseasonpremieredonOctober23,2018.,評分4.4(734)Thelocationsandse...